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Charisma S.

“This session was inspiring and eye opening. It made me think more of my mental health and that we need to speak more power than poison."

Julia K.

"Coach VJ is encouraging and her talk has relevancy to kids and teens our age. She had amazing quotes that got me thinking in that mindset & mental health is very hard especially for our generation, and I think that this really helps build our confidence."

James L.

“The session was amazing and it is super helpful for anyone who doesn't believe in themselves.”

Traci M.

“Her message and vulnerability was beautiful and empowering. Coach VJ is magic!”

Brandon N.

"Her way with words is amazing and her advice is incredible."

Jenny M.

“Sums up how to be courageous in a doable way for teens.”

Ashtyn C.

“I am very hard on myself especially during sports. I think everything is my fault and I get embarrassed, mad, and then furious. You made me feel like I'm not alone. You've showed me to have self-confidence in what I do. I needed this!"

Jaelynn R.

"This session really touched me in a way you never knew. It showed me how much my nerves and talking down on myself isn't true. That I am worthy and when I am feeling nervous I am the most prepared. If I am feeling nervous it's because I'm excited but scared of the outcome."

Clara P.

“It was incredible! I have never related to a speaker more. As a high school student trying to define myself and build a name for myself while being involved in sports and activities, I can better be prepared mentally!”

Britton A.

“Very relevant and inspiring for myself and lessons that I provide my students on positive self-talk. I really find personal value in the 'daily 18's' and inn/outer confidence info."

Sam D.

"I would say it's a great roadmap to building and sustaining/maintaining confidence. It's helpful for teens as well as adults working toward growing and maintaining their confidence."

Ashley C.

“If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, worry, or negative self-talk, Coach VJ does an amazing job on how to turn that poisonous mindset into a powerful mindset.”

Baylee S.

“Coach VJ made me open my eyes to how to become a better, confident version of myself. There are many ways to gain confidence and you can overcome things as long as you believe in yourself!"

Ellie B.

"It was super inspiring and it was very valuable to me especially as someone who is running for a leadership role and someone who psychs themself out a lot! It was absolutely amazing!"

Holley R.

“It was like a very good talk with my very close coach or even a sibling. I loved that she was interactive and putting herself out there to help us understand the outer and inner sources of confidence!”

Andrew H.

“Coach VJ had very knowledgeable and insightful tips on success, motivation, and self-confidence. I especially liked her 'Dead Zone' concept. "

Kara B.

"A fun interactive session where we get so see someone in a powerful position show vulnerability and teach us about self-validation."

Skylar L.

“An amazing session for junior high and high school and even college students and adults! Amazing information!”

Kylie S.

“I would describe this session as memorable, motivational, and captivating. I loved how she showed us the difference between poisoning ourselves with words and powering ourselves with words."

Suhani P.

"It was inspirational and clearing for the mind like fog rising away and seeing the sunri"

Adrianna M.

“Powerful. I would say it changed the way I think about talking to myself.”

Diane S.

“Perfect for teens and adults as we need to build up inner-confidence. Loved the comfort zone being the dead zone."

Sidnee H.

"A detailed explanation of how to take control of your own confidence and to always believe in your own power."

Regina S.

“I took so many notes! I'd share everything. Your words hold power and Coach VJ spoke wisdom about self-confidence and it's importance not only for sports but life. THANK YOU for all you do. I'm excited to share what I learned and pass it along to my team.”

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